Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Kudos to Modi for reducing Inflation in India

RBI has released the M3 money supply till 17-Oct-2014. In one year prior to this date, India's M3 money supply has grown by 12% i.e. inflation in India is 12. Inflation was 13.6% for Oct-2012 to Oct-2013.
Infaltion was 13.6% under Congress; inflation is 12% under BJP. So BJP/Modi have reduced inflation from 13.6% to 12% in few months. This is a significant achiement that deserves praise.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

India in Year 2024

I woke up in the morning of Sunday 13-Oct-2024. The motion sensors in my room immediately started coffee maker. The TV switched on. Politicians were on screen. They were issuing proclamations about the fine health of Indian economy. Citizens, they explained, needed to work in accordance with NWO (New World Order) to maximize wealth for all. I knew that this was propaganda, yet I did not switch off the TV. The channels, a person watches, are recorded by the government. Switching off the propaganda channels is viewed with suspicion by authorities.

Stock and Bond markets were abolished after the worldwide financial collapse of 2018. Initially, people were told that markets would close "temporarily" just to stop the panic; but once the markets were shut, there was no way to reopen them without the panic restarting.

Today, trust in markets is completely gone. All investors want is their money back. Governments all over the world, starting printing enormous quantities of currency after the panic of 2008. This solution too failed by 2018, because more debt does not solve the problem of too much debt. When panic hit again in 2018, currency was viewed as worthless. So markets simply closed.

Between 2018-2020, G-20 major powers abolished all currencies for international trade other than SDR (Special Drawing Rights). The US dollar became the local currency of North and South America; Euro for Europe, Africa and Australia; RuAsia (new currency that is a combination of Ruble and Yuan) for Asia.

SDRs are used only for settlements between countries. Everyday citizens in India use the RuAsia for daily transactions. The rupee devaluation was so great in 2018, the rupee became worthless. The SDR is also used to set energy prices. All three local currencies (Dollar, Euro and RuAsia) are benchmarked against SDR. The world central bank (formerly IMF) administers the SDR system under the direction of G-20. Since exchange rates are fixed, there is no currency trading.

Worldwide gold was confiscated in 2020. All G-20 nations contributed their national gold to World Central Bank. All this gold was placed in nuclear bomb-proof vault at Swiss Alps. All private gold was forcibly confiscated and added to this vault. All Gold mining has been nationalized and suspended on environmental grounds.

The purpose of the Swiss vault was not to have gold backing for currencies, but rather to remove gold from the financial system entirely, so it could never be used as money again. Thus, gold trading ceased because its production, use and possession were banned. The World Central Bank and G-20 now control the only forms of official currencies.

Some lucky ones had purchased gold before 2015 and sold it when it reached Rs 1,00,000 per gram in 2019. By then, inflation was out of control and the power elites knew that all confidence in paper currencies had been lost. The solution was either a gold-backed currency or confiscate gold. Gold-backed currency meant small government and limited power to World Central Bank i.e. no NWO. So gold was confiscated and SDRs were introduced under the guise of helping people. Some smart people sold gold before the confiscation and purchased real estate, which was not confiscated. Even smart people held on to thier gold; Government could not confiscate their gold because this gold was not in ETF and bank lockers. These people had hidden thier gold in secret places. Today, gold and silver are traded in black market at very high prices; thus making the owners of gold/silver extremely wealthy.

Those, who never owned gold in the first place, saw their savings, retirement incomes, pensions and insurance polices turn to dust once the hyperinflation began. The only way to preserve wealth through the panic of 2018 was to have gold, silver, real-estate or fine art. But investors not only needed to have the foresight to buy it... they also had to be nimble enough to sell the gold/silver before the confiscation of 2020 (or hide gold in physical form); and then buy more real-estate and hang on to their real-estate or secret gold/silver. For this reason, most people lost everything.

Land and personal property was not confiscated, because much of it was needed for living arrangements and agriculture. Personal property was too difficult to confiscate for the state.

Stock and Bond trading were halted when the markets closed. During the panic selling after the crash of 2018, stocks were wiped out. Bonds were wiped out in the hyperinflation of 2019. Governments closed the stock and bond markets, nationalized most corporations and declared a moratorium on all debts. Politicians initially explained it as an effort to "buy time" to come up with a plan to unfreeze the markets; but over time, they realized that trust and confidence had been permanently destroyed, and there was no point in trying to open markets.

Wiped-out savers broke out in riots soon after, but were quickly suppressed by police and army in the cities. Curbing of riots in villages took a while longer. Highway tollbooth cameras were used to spot and interdict those who tried to flee by car.

In compensation for citizens' wealth destroyed by inflation and confiscation, governments distributed digital currency. Everyone got the same amount of this government assistance. So almost everyone had the same net worth and same standard of living.

To facilitate the gradual freezing of markets, confiscation of wealth and creation of digital currency; world governments coordinated the elimination of cash in 2016. The "Cashless society" was sold to citizens as convenience. No more dirty, grubby notes to be carried around! Instead, you could pay with cards and mobile phones; and could transfer funds on-line. Only when elimination of cash was complete did citizens realize that digital currency meant total control by government. Deeply indebted government now easily adopted negative interest rates. Governments simply deducted taxes for citizens' bank accounts every month. Without cash, there was no black money.

The government could now monitor all of transactions and digitally froze any citizen's account if he/she protested against government policies. Those guilty of dissent were punished with digital elimination of their digital wealth.

The entire process unfolded in small stages so that citizens barely noticed before it was too late. Gold/Silver had been the best way to preserve wealth till 2018, but in the end, they were confiscated because the power elites knew otherwise the power of Governments and World Central Bank would be limited. First they eliminated cash in 2016. Then they eliminated diverse currencies in 2018. Finally came the hyperinflation of 2019, which wiped out most wealth, followed by gold and silver confiscation and digital socialism of 2020.

By 2023, free markets, private property and entrepreneurship were things of the past. All that remains of wealth is land, fine art and illegal gold/silver. The only other valuable assets are individual talents, provided you can deploy them outside the system of state of state-approved jobs.

(Adapted from Jim Richards - In the Year 2024)

Will BJP/Shiv Sena undo the corruption of Congress/NCP in Maharashtra?

Just before Congress and NCP were voted out of power in Maharashtra state, they directed all departments to withhold any information in RTI replies that does not constitute “public interest”. This rule is designed to cripple RTI in state.

If BJP and Shiv Sena are less corrupt than Congress and NCP, then they will immediately cancel this order. Let us see.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Men vs Women, the eternal fight.

Why do many women want men to be romantic?
A man cannot have lust and sharp intellect at the same time. Blood gushes either to the penis or brain at any point of time. When a woman says, I want a romantic man; she is effectively saying, "I don't want my man to think when he is with me. He should just obey me. I should be able to manipulate him. If he is not romantic, he will use his intellect. So he will see through all my tricks. I will then have to treat him as my equal. That is not acceptable."

Why do men want to be rich?
Women are attracted to money. Men know that being rich is the guaranteed way to attract beautiful women. Women say that like men who are sensitive, humorous, etc; but men know that is all bullshit. Women choose rich men and then try to change him. It like buying a car and then trying to convert it to a boat. It fails miserably. Then women are dissatisfied and complain about all men.

What is the solution?
Men and women should choose each other because of virtues, not because of looks, riches, etc. Then the strife between them is reduced and marriage can be bliss. Marry only because of the virtues of your partner. Any other reason for marriage is a recipe for disaster.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

India's Inflation is 12.6%

RBI has released the M3 money supply till 3-Oct-2014. In one year prior to this date, India's M3 money supply has grown by 12.6% i.e. inflation in India was 12.6%. Inflation was 13.6% for Oct-2012 to Oct-2013.
Infaltion was 13.6% under Congress; inflation is 12.6% under BJP. So Modi has reduced inflation from 13.6% to 12.6%. This is not a great achievment, but it is also not an insignificant achiement.

Monday, 13 October 2014

What is the link between Dollar rising, oil falling, Ebola virus and War?

USA wants war with Syria and Iran. USA wants Muslim Fundamentalists to control the middle-eastern region. These Muslim fundamentalist will beg USA for support, unlike the current regimes. USA can easily overthrow these Muslim fundamentalist regimes in future, if required.
Americans will oppose a direct war with Syria/Iran by
  1. Saying that economy will grow weaker. So USA is strengthening its dollar by reducing Quantitative Easing.
  2. Protesting on roads. So now we have The Ebola virus scare. So people will hesitate to group together in public places.
  3. claiming oil prices will rise causing economy to suffer. Also, Russia is supporting Syria and Iran. All three countries export oil. So USA has caused the oil price to fall, thereby weakening the economies of these three countries and reducing protests for war due to oil prices.
On paper, USA is supposed to bomb ISIS. But actually, USA is bombing Syria's infrastructure. ISIS is just a cover for USA to continue its agenda.
During the next few weeks, I expect
  • Dollar to strengthen further.
  • Oil price to fall further.
  • Ebola scare to continue growing.
  • USA will bomb Syria more aggressively.
  • Russia is not going to take all this lying down quietly. Russia will cut gas supplies to Europe. Europe will have to choose between continuing support to USA or make long term deals with Russia. May European countries like Germany will prefer to ally with Russia.
  • Gold and Silver demand will rise.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Microsoft wants to treat men and women equally!

Microsoft chief said, "The system will actually give women the right raises as you go along." Reference.
He is right. Everyone get the pay that he/she deserves; not just women. The law is universal.

But, Women are protesting against this statement. Women want to be treated special. They want laws that protect them. How about laws that protect men? That would be fair and true equality. For true equality, we need to stop treating women as special. Laws have to be equal for everyone.

Pay, in private sector, is dependent upon performance. Women, who oppose Satya Nadella and want more pay because of gender, are basically leeches of the system. They want to consume more without producing more in society.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Poor-Rich gap growing in India

The gap between rich and poor is widening in India. Reference. Why?

Higher the taxes, greater is the gap between rich and poor. The rich can show income abroad or tax free zones. So actually most taxes are paid by middle-class making them poor.

India needs to reduce taxes. Then only the gap can be narrowed. Reduction of taxes, has to accompanied with reduction in subsidies. Otherwise, inflation will rise.

To reduce the gap between rich and poor, India needs to

  • Reduce taxes
  • Reduce subsidies
  • Privatize massively to stop leaks and bring in efficiency
  • Reduce reglations that clog the business
Just broom and building toilets will not solve the problem.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

India lags in Internet speed.

India has the slowest broadband in Asia. Reference. Why?

Indian government has more regulations and taxes on broadband, as compared to most countries in the world. All these inhibit the growth of broadband.

In today's world, network connection is considered mandatory like water, electricity, etc. Unless Indian government changes its rules, India will continue to lag in broadband speed.