Monday, 29 February 2016

Budget 2016 in India

A good budget

  • Reduces taxes
  • Privatizes government companies
  • Reduces bureaucracy and rules
  • Reduces subsidies and expenses to cut deficit

The current budget raises taxes. There is no privatization of major government companies e.g. BSNL, MTNL, Airports, railways, etc. There is an reduction in bureaucracy. There is no cut in subsidies. The expenses on items like Defence and irrigation has gone up. Subsidies like loan relief has risen. The deficit has risen.

A government, which keeps spending more than it earns, causes inflation and suffering for citizens. Certain small groups may benefit temporarily from this budget, but in the long run Indian economy will be hurt by this budget.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

War drums are beating louder

Unrest in middle east is rising. Some countries (Syria, Russia, etc) are fighting ISIS. Some countries (Turkey, USA, Saudi Arabia, etc) are covertly aiding ISIS. ISIS is a puppet. Under the guise of ISIS, the short-term goal is to create violence, death and destruction.

The long-term goal is to replace nationalism with global government. To achieve this long-term goal, all existing systems (that do not fit this new model) need to be destroyed. On the top of the rubble, the "New World Order" will be built.

We can expect in near future:

  • More bombs will be dropped in middle east.
  • War will be blamed for economic woes in many counties.
  • Stocks will fall.
  • Interest rates will be lowered, raising inflation.
  • Governments will pass laws to restrict the freedom of people.
Prepare well.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Why is FED raising rates?

USA has been printing lots of dollars, under the guise of QE (Quantitative Easing). Many countries are dumping dollars and conducting trade outside the US$, to protect themselves from US$ tsunami. All the dollars being created are not being absorbed outside USA. Billions of dollars created, will now remain in USA. Inflation in USA will rise fast. Unrest will increase in USA if prices start rising rapidly.

FED has to slow down inflation in USA to extend the life of dollar. The only way inflation can be reduced to something manageable is to raise interest rates. So as countries keep abandoning the dollar, FED will keep raising interest rates in USA. If countries abandon dollar fast, interest rates will rise fast; if countries abandon dollar slowly, interest rates will rise slowly.

The rising interest rates will force USA into depression. Stocks and Real estate will fall. Ultimately, FED will have no choice but to abandon the interest rate rises. The dollar, as we know currently, will collapse. Banks will go bankrupt. Only Gold and Silver in your hands will protect your wealth.