Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Feminism will fail

Feminists believe, "Feminism was started by exploited women."
This is untrue. Feminism was started by government. Strongly bounded families want lower taxes. So democratic goverments hate strong families. If divorce rate is high, then women become dependent on the state. These women will vote for government to increase taxes because they get additional benefits.

Feminists believe, "Masculine activities like fracking are bad. Having children is good."
Women magazines rarely contain description of physical activity/good that is economically useful. If women want to have children without marriage, they have the freedom to do so; but they want support from government to raise their children; they want to force the man, who didn't want the children, to contribute to raising the children. Feminists are immoral.

Feminists believe, "Men are hollow and have an eye only for looks."
Go to a mall; most shops sell women goods e.g. clothes, makeup, shoes, etc to women. If women had other ways of attracting men, why spend so much on these superfluous items? Therefore, Feminists are liars.

Feminists believe, "They are independent."
The fact is totally opposite.
Young women get money through sexual market value. Young men are willing to spend money for sex. When feminists grow older and their physical attractiveness diminishes, they try to find a weak man; they belittle him, control him and nag him for money. A weak man gives money to the woman so that the relationship doesn't drain him of his energies.
At a larger level, feminists repeat this behavior by calling men names like Sexist, Misogynist, Women-hater, etc. All this is to extract money from them. Feminists support politicians (usually Democrats), who will ensure that the man can never get away.
Feminists are not intelligent enough to earn money in market place; they are not beautiful enough for men to woo them with gifts; so they basically nag men till they get money/power.

Feminists shame stay-at-home mothers.
Truth is that, many women voluntarily choose to become house wives. Most women are not inclined to go to army, work late to get a promotion, etc. Women are biologically suited to bear and raise child. Feminism oppose womanhood by belittling house-wives.
Feminism tries to equate men and women, but they are biologically and psychologically different. So they have different roles in life.
Career oriented women are less effective as mothers e.g. a working woman cannot breast-feed a child for 18 months.

Feminists believe, "Women are under-paid"
Most women take a break from their career when they become mothers. Most women don't take up hard labor jobs e.g. cleaning glass windows outside a skyscraper. Most women cannot regularly sit late or work on weekends because of family commitments. Feminists ignore all these factors while comparing pay-scales.
When Blacks get paid lesser, they claim Racism. Similarly, when women get paid lesser, they claim Sexism.

Feminists say that support Equality.
Most Feminists are socialists or collectivists. Women, without a man, need state support to raise the child. So Feminists support bigger government, more rules and bigger bureaucracy e.g.

  • Margaret Thatcher was not supported by Feminists, even though she was first woman prime minister of Britain; because Margret Thatcher was a Conservative (anti-socialist).
  • Feminists dislike the woman writer Ayn Rand, even though she wrote the second most popular book in English (the most popular English book is "The Bible"), even though English was not her native language; because Ayn Rand's books exposed the flaws of Socialism.
This proves that Feminists are frauds.

Feminist say, "Men who hit women should be in prison"
Feminists are silent about penalty, if a woman hits a man.
Feminists are silent about women hitting a toddler/child. The child is not able to protect himself/herself. The child is dependent upon the parents for survival.
This proves that Feminists have double standards. They want one set of rules for themselves and a different set for men & children.

Feminists believe, "Obeying a boss is freedom; helping family is slavery."
This idea is encouraged by government because the mother can be taxed for her salary. Also, the baby sitter can be taxed. This greatly increases the government revenue and size of government. The divorce rate is much higher among Feminists.
The children of Feminists are unhappy. The children either turn bullies or are easily bullied by others.
Feminists believe that they are good mothers, even if their children are being raised by unskilled/under-paid baby-sitters. Feminists have traded their family happiness for some job-title. Feminists are evil.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Education in India

RTE (Right to Education) forces private schools to give 25% of the student seats to poor students from class 1 to VIII, effectively for free.
On paper, the government says that cost of these 25% students will be reimbursed directly to private schools; but, in reality, the refund amount is much less than the cost borne by private schools and even this amount is kept pending for many years with no interest penalty. So, for all practical purposes, private schools have to admit 25% of students for free.

Government school spends, on average, 3 times more on a student as compared to private school; yet, government schools quality of education is lower than private schools.
Government school enrollments are on the decline, while private school enrollments are on the rise.

Some wealthy parents get their child admitted to premium schools under RTE, by submitting fake certificates i.e. by claiming that their income is below Rs 1 lakh per annum in Maharashtra.

Private schools are subject to government checks regarding infrastructure, admission, etc. Heavy fines are levied on them by government for any lapse. For Public schools all rules exist only on paper; no penalties are ever levied on them. E.g.

  • Nearly 10% of government public schools are run by a single teacher i.e. one teacher for whole school; no head-master, no peon, no attendant.
  • 25% of teachers in government schools are absent on a typical day. 50% of teachers present, on a typical day, don't teach on that day because they are assigned other responsibilities.

To open a private school, many permissions are required from different government departments. Bribes are normal to avoid delays. E.g.

  • The affiliation rule book for CBSE is 89 page thick and 50 different permissions are needed to set up a CBSE school.
  • Permissions are needed from land office, fire-safety office, tax department, local muncipality, state education board, central education board, etc.
  • The bribe for Essentiality certificate (justify the need of school in that area) is Rs 5 lakhs in Delhi in 2018.
  • In Gujrat, the principle has to keep 70 pieces of paper up to date because the Inspector can come anytime.
  • Many permissions have to be renewed every year. License Raj continues in education.

RTE has lead to increase in costs for 75% of students, with no increase in quality.
RTE has strengthened the "Inspector Raj" system; more bribes need to be paid regularly to government officials by private schools.
RTE is "political gimmick". The costs are borne by parents.
CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General) of India has said that RTE is flawed and ineffective piece of legislation. CAG confirms that RTE has caused an increase in rules violation and corruption.
RTE has caused nearly 10% of schools to close

School with minority status are exempt from RTE. So the number of minority education institutes is increasing rapidly in India.

In global tests like PISA and TIMSS, which benchmark school students in various countries, India is near the bottom.

  • Parents of children in private schools, on average, spend 24% of their household budget for primary education and 38% on secondary education.
  • Parents after paying lakhs of rupees per year, cannot get quality education for their child.

Schooling is not learning; but RTE equates the two. For more information, please visit NISA

About 2 million students in USA are home-schooled. Poor education in India is causing many parents in India to home-school. Children are taught by tuition teachers. International home schools send video lectures and conduct tests on computer E.g. Sahal Kaushik is the youngest person to clear the competitive exam IIT JEE in India. Sahal never went to any school. He was home-schooled.
In India, home-schoolers generally give the NIOS exam for 10th standard directly and then study in college; they skip school entirely.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

LIC investors are being robbed by government

The government is about to sell IDBI Bank to LIC. Many analysts have compared this to ONGC buying out HPCL, and handing over money to the government. In that sense, money moves from one pocket of the government to another. This is not true in case of LIC buying out HPCL.
In case of ONGC buying HPCL, ONGC used the cash it had on its books and also borrowed money. ONGC is a company owned by the government. So is HPCL. Hence, money moved from one pocket of the government to another.
Same is not true about LIC buying out IDBI Bank. All the money that LIC has, is the money that investors/savers have handed it over, over the years. This is not government money. It is the money that the average LIC policy holder has handed over to LIC, because it trusts LIC to do a good job. The faith of LIC policy holder in LIC is being abused.

Further, IDBI Bank is the worst performing bank among all public sector banks. It has a bad loans ratio of 27%. Basically, the govt is unloading its stake in a bank which should not in the business of banking, to LIC policy holders.
LIC will pay a huge amount to the govt to buy a certain stake in IDBI Bank. This is not where it will end. IDBI Bank will need capital to continue functioning in the years to come. LIC, as a major owner of the bank, will have to continue providing this capital.

Hence, the govt is killing two birds with one stone. First, its gets some money out of a bankrupt IDBI Bank. Second, if it had continued to own IDBI Bank, it would have had to continue providing capital to the bank, in the future. That obligation now comes down.
There is no free lunch in economics. The individuals, who buy LIC policies, will basically bear the cost of this bad investment. LIC is been looted by government. The losses of government are being transferred to LIC policy holders. These policy holders will get fewer or no bonuses because LIC's profits will reduce.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Plastic ban in Mumbai

From tomorrow (Saturday 24-June-2018) plastic ban will come into effect in Mumbai.
The fine is Rs 5,000 for people/shops/businesses found carrying/using items like

  • Plastic bags
  • Disposable spoons, forks, glasses, containers, etc
  • Plastic pouches for carrying liquids like coconut water
  • Plastic wrap used for wrapping.
  • Plastic and thermocol decorations.

The following items are exempt from this ban

  • Plastic used to cover medicines e.g. tablets and medicinal liquids.
  • garbage bags containing waste
  • Food grade plastic used to made bags containing milk, oil, dal, rice, etc.

BMC inspectors will be roaming on the streets of Mumbai to make a quick buck. Fraudsters, under the guise as cleanliness, will harrass citizens to loot them. Take care.

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Some thoughts

Men become civilized, not in proportion to their willingness to believe, but in their readiness to doubt. - H. L. Mencken

Every actual state is corrupt. Good men must not obey laws too well. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The State never intentionally confronts a man's sense, intellectual or moral, but only his body, his senses. It is not armed with superior wit or honesty, but with superior physical strength. I was not born to be forced. - Henry David Thoreau

Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law. - Sophocles. Do our leaders obey laws? If no, then why should we?

If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he… would be justified in silencing mankind. – John Stuart Mill. If something is majority, then it does not make it right. This is why democracies don't work. If 3 wolves and 1 sheep decide to vote on dinner, then the sheep will always lose. Majority of people in country are poor or middle-class; only a few are rich. So democracies bring into power the politician, who will steal from the rich and give to poor.

What this country needs is more unemployed politicians. - Edward Langley

What can the government do to help?
Stop helping. Because government has no money; it can only steal from one person to give to another. Only one human being can help other human being.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." - Ronald Reagan

Strong as it looks at the outset, State-agency perpetually disappoints every one. Puny as are its first stages, private efforts daily achieve results that astound the world. - Herbert Spencer

A society that puts equality - in the sense of equality of outcome - ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality or freedom. - Milton Friedman

There comes a time in the life of every human when he or she must decide to risk "his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor" on an outcome dubious. Those who fail the challenge are merely overgrown children, can never be anything else. - Robert Heinlein

The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. - Frederick Douglass

“Live free or die. Death is not the worst of evils.” – John Stark

Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. - H. L. Mencken. If you are proud of your government, then follow this logic:

  1. I would not have you handcuffed for anything that you did not agree to.
  2. Will you give me the same right that I give to you?
  3. I never agreed to income tax; why do you suppor a government that threatens to hurt me if I don't pay something that I never agreed to.

The only power tyrants have, is the power relinquished to them by their victims. - Étienne de la Boétie

The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves. - William Hazlitt. Do you want liberty of thought/word/action for others as long as it doesn't hurt you?

Virtually no idea is too ridiculous to be accepted, even by very intelligent and highly educated people, if it provides a way for them to feel special and important. Some confuse that feeling with idealism. - Thomas Sowell. Demonitization was an idea from people far away from ground realities.

When unlimited and unrestricted by individual rights, a government is men’s deadliest enemy. - Ayn Rand

It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks. It is legal and lawful to own a shotgun or a rifle. We believe in obeying the law. - Malcolm X

The wealth of the country, its capital, its credit, must be saved from the predatory poor as well as the predatory rich, but above all from the predatory politician. – James J. Hill

Monday, 21 May 2018

Why I hate Government?

In India

  • When I earn, the government takes 30% income tax.
  • When I spend on my daily needs, the government takes 18% GST.
  • When I buy a house with my savings, the government takes 12% GST, 6% Stamp duty, ₹30,000 Registration.
  • When I buy a car, the government takes 45% GST, 12% road tax.
  • When I buy petrol for my car, the governments takes nearly 80% tax.
  • When I try to save in a savings a/c, the government steal nearly 6% every year by inflation.

After paying all these taxes, what do I get in return?

  • Whenever I visit a government office, I have to pay a bribe to get my work done.
  • When I go to the police station, I am treated as a thief.
  • Every year I have to pay a CA to provide proof to the government that I have paid enough taxes.
Politicians live in big houses, travel in caravan of cars, have a huge number of servants, etc. The religious organizations, declared tax-free by politicians, try to convince me that I should donate at least 10% of my income in charity; otherwise I will go to hell.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

World War 3 just started

USA and UK have bombed Syria under the false claim that Assad used chemical weapons on his citizens. In this world war,

  1. On one side we have Russia, China, Iran and Syria.
  2. On other side we have USA, UK, Isreal and Saudi Arabia.

Now, Russia will likely bomb USA missile carrier.
China will starting on Monday 16-Apr-2017

  • Selling USA bonds.
  • Selling USA stocks.
  • Buying gold/Silver.

During the next few days, from Monday 16-Apr-2017, when markets open

  • Oil will rise.
  • Stocks will fall.
  • Gold/Silver will rise.
  • Indian rupee will fall in value.

The Indian government

  • Will likely issue limits on cash withdrawal from banks.
  • May place limits on bank transactions.
  • May demonetize 2,000 rupee note.

Indians should immediately

  • Stock up on essential items like meidicines, fruits, Wheat, Rice, pulses, etc
  • Withdraw as much cash as possible from banks.
  • Recharge mobiles and pay off bills.
  • Convert their large bills to smaller ones.
  • Keep the gas tank of your vehicle full.

Millions are people across the world are going to die. The above steps only increase the chances of survival, provided no bomb drops from above.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Schooling in India

Most middle class people in India tend to choose CBSE or ICSE schools for their children However, now there is a new option i.e. Home study.

The advantage of home study is

  • Child can decide his time of study i.e. No need to wake up early morning.
  • Child can skip uninteresting useless subjects / tasks e.g. No need to study social science.
  • No bullying by teachers and other students.
  • Child concentrates on getting knowledge, not higher marks.
  • Child can pursue his interest e.g. Why study calculus if the child wants to be a hair specialist.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Why is mobile internet slow in India?

Average Mobile Internet speed in different countries:

India 9Mbps
China 34Mbps
Canada 45Mbs
Singapore 52Mbps

India ranks 109 among the 123 countries where the test was done. Reference

Why is mobile internet so slow in India compared to other countries? The main reasons are:

  • High taxes make mobile network costly to install/upgrade.
  • Regulations in India are more as compared to other countries. This increases the cost to install/upgrade towers.
  • India's per capita GDP is less than many countries i.e. An average Indian mobile consumer on average spends less on his mobile internet as compared to other countries. So less money is available to install/upgrade networks.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

War coming

USA economy is going downhill. USA wants war to cover up its economic failure. All problems will be blamed on the war.
In coming months, expect

  • War drums will beat louder. The flash point will likely be in middle east.
  • Stocks will fall
  • Gold/Silver will rise
  • Oil will rise
  • Indian currency will fall in value.
Prepare accordingly.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

4G speeds

India has one of lowest 4G speed in the world. Reference.

Here are some speeds across the world

Country4G speed

Why is India's 4G speed one of the lowest in the world?
Faster speed requires more investment in equipment and towers. India levies a GST of 18% on mobile charges. Countries like Singapore charge no GST i.e. 0% GST. Because taxes are lower in other countries, with same investment, better (faster) equipment can be purchased.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Public sector banks are being looted

Some facts:

  • Mallya stole ₹4,300 crore
  • Nirav Modi stole ₹11,400 crore
  • Vikram Kothari of Rotomac, stole ₹3,695 crore
This is only the tip of iceberg. These scams are being reported on front pages. Imagine how many scams are yet to be discovered. Smaller scams found, are not even reported.

Public sector banks are bankrupt. If you are keeping huge amounts in a public sector banks, then your deposits are at risk. For safety, consider moving your savings to a large private bank that has a much healthier balance sheet.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Indian budget 2018-19

A good budget

  • lowers and lessens the number of taxes
  • Reduces deficit by reducing subsides
  • Massive privatization
  • Reduces rules, regulations and size of bureaucracy.

The budget released in Feb 2018 has following characteristics:
The good:

  • Corporate tax rate reduced for small companies.
  • Standard deduction for salaried simplifies tax laws.
  • Senior citizens will pay less tax e.g. Rs 50,000 tax free interest.
  • Railway fares not increased.
The bad
  • Duties raised on imported goods.
  • Minimum support price raised for farmers. This will mean higher prices for others.
  • Rs 1,200 crores allocated for universal health care. More subsidies means more inflation/taxes.
  • Tax increased for high income individuals
The ugly:
  • Deficit rises.
  • Long-term tax on stock gains introduced.

Overall this budget is bad. It will cause inflation to rise.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Why stock market is rising?

Stock market has constantly increased during the last few years. Why?
It is because governments all over the world are creating currency out of thin air. This currency is getting invested in stock market. A rising stock market creates the impression that government is taking the right economic decisions. When stock market collapses, governments usually lose elections. So most governments want stocks to rise when they are in power.

When will stocks stop rising?
When the interest rates are above real inflation rate, then it means that governments have stopped creating currency out of thin air. Then, the stock market will fall.

I have nearly doubled my stock market investments in last 5 years i.e. more than 100% profit in last 5 years. As of now, interest rates are below real inflation rate; so I am still invested in stock market.
When interest rates rise above real inflation rate; when USA 10 year bond yield rises above 4%; then I will start selling my stocks.