Friday, 20 November 2020

India fails in its Covid response

India had the severest lockdown in Asia. So India's GDP has suffered the worst. But the lockdown was ineffective. So the deaths in India remains the highest!
India needs to
  • Remove all lockdowns.
  • Encourage cleanliness, vitamin D3 to improve virus immunity, HCQ+ for high-risk persons, and Ivermectin+ for people with symptoms.
India is making many mistakes e.g.
  • Locking down healthy people. There should be no restrictions on people below the age of say 65.
  • Hoping for Vaccines
  • Conducting RT-PCR tests on people without symptoms.
  • Contact tracing.
  • Making masks compulsory everywhere outside the home. Masks work if used in closed congested spaces among strangers. No need to make them compulsory in open areas like parks, roads, etc.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

4G bands in India

India will auction some new 4G bands at the start of 2021. While purchasing a new mobile, please ensure that the following 4G-bands are supported:

  • Band 28 - 700MHz
  • Band 20 - 800MHz
  • Band 5 - 850MHz
  • Band 8 - 900MHz
  • Band 3 - 1800MHz
  • Band 1 - 2100MHz
  • Band 40 - 2300MHz
  • Band 41 - 2500MHz
If your phone doesn't support any of the above 4G bands, then to that extent, its network coverage will suffer.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Which candidate should get our vote during elections?

This decision shouldn't be based on events that occur just before elections. Such events are likely staged for dubious reasons. Vote for the candidate based on the chart below.

If multiple good candidates exist, then choose the best one i.e. one whose views and actions are most clear and agreeable.
If no candidate is good enough, then please don't vote.
If two candidates are equal, then prefer Independent over Political party candidate.
Reject any independent candidate who hasn't expressed strong views publicly for a long time.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Vaccinating Indians for Covid-19

Indian government wants every Indian vaccinated.
If vaccination is the preferable cure, then the vaccination order should be
  1. Modi and Amit Shah
  2. Central and state ministers
  3. All politicians, judges, military, and police
  4. Owners, board members, managers, and employees of pharma companies that make or distribute vaccines
  5. Political party workers and Government employees
Now note that:
  • India is not following the above order. India wants the poor to get vaccinated. The rich can get an exemption or bribe their way out of vaccination.
  • Watch what they do, not what they say. Note that no politician is in line to get vaccinated. They want others to get vaccinated so that they are not infected.
  • No other country wants its residents vaccinated. Many countries like China, Sweden, etc. were able to control Covid-19 without using vaccines.
  • Many studies have found Vaccines cause more damage than benefit to most people.
  • The government has given Pharma companies immunity from penalties/prosecution; if their vaccines cause death, disease, etc. If Vaccines are safe, then remove this immunity.
You are a moron, if you get in line to be vaccinated.

Friday, 16 October 2020

How to avoid censorship on the Internet?

Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc have banned people/accounts/posts/videos/etc. These companies have the legal right to control the content on their websites. If you want your content to be uncensored on the Internet, then:
  • Write all posts on your website.
  • Get an RSS feed for your posts on your website. Your readers will need an RSS reader to access your post. The news by RSS is unblockable.
  • Build a mailing list. Inform readers by email about your new posts. Emails are unblockable.
  • Readers can download videos and mp3 files via Magnet links. So there is no intermediatory between you and your viewer.
If you don't want to own a website, then post on GitHub, BlogSpot, etc. Your posts now are somewhat susceptible to censorship, but you can easily migrate all your posts from one site to another website. So at least you will not lose your information.
You may keep the link to your new post on Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may also keep your videos and mp3 files on Youtube, Bitchute, LBRY, etc. But, all information may be short-lived.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

The rise of WhatsApp

I don't use my phone caller to make calls; I make calls with WhatsApp because:
  • When I make a call with phone caller, I have to hear mandatory government messages like "Covid-19 ...", "Don't reveal OTP...", etc. No such messages are imposed on me in a WhatsApp call.
  • Some operators don't have VoWiFi in some areas. So if the network signal is weak, my call quality deteriorates. WhatsApp automatically prefers WiFi.
  • With phone caller, I am billed based on criteria like receiver's network operator, receiver's country, call duration, etc. WhatsApp is free on WiFi. Even without WiFi, I only pay minor data charges with WhatsApp.
  • A WhatsApp call can be upgraded to a video call in the middle of discussion. This is impossible with a normal phone call.

I have also stopped sending SMS' from my phone; instead, I use WhatsApp chat feature because
  • I get billed for every SMS. Even if I purchase some unlimited pack, I will get billed on exceeding some limit and sending SMS to different country. WhatsApp chat messages are always free (only data charges apply).
  • With SMS, I don't get to see when the other person has read my SMS. With WhatsApp, I get to know when the other person has received my message and when he/she has read it.
  • A WhatsApp chat can contain pictures, audio, video, etc. This is impossible with traditional SMS.

The Phone and SMS apps are outdated; long live apps like WhatsApp.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

How should India end its lockdown?

India has had a lock-down for many weeks now, but the number of infections keeps rising. The purpose of the lockdown was to reduce the number of infections, but the government doesn't want to admit its failure. So it says lockdown reduced the rate at which virus infections were rising. So the lockdown is successful as per the government.

Now obviously, a lockdown can't continue for many months. It would destroy the economy and cause deaths due to starvation/malnutrition/diseases. So at some point in time, the lockdown will have to end.

In my opinion, the lockdown should be ended immediately with the following rules in place

  • Face mask compulsory in public.
  • Hygiene e.g. No spitting, no throwing garbage on road, no cow/dog shit on road, etc.
  • Social distancing. Every business has to think and have a plan e.g. Doctors may see people by appointment so that there is no crowding in dispensaries. Restaurants will permit take-aways, but no eat-in. Office canteens will deliver food to cubicles of employees. Online training in schools with students attending school only for practicals that can't be shown online.
  • Businesses that can't follow social distancing will remain shut e.g. Gyms, swimming pools, sports complexes, playgroups, nursery, Jr Kg, Sr Kg, etc.
  • Allow private cars/buses to ferry passengers. This will reduce crowding in public transport.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Investment in Stocks

Three companies have invested in RIL: Facebook ($5.7 billion), Silver Lake Partners ($750 million), and Vista Equity Partners ($1.5 billion). That's roughly $8 billion (₹60,596.37 crores) in three weeks.

USA FED is printing a lot of dollars. This cash is in search of a good investment. So some of this cash has found its way to RIL stock.

Stocks will continue to rise in nominal terms in-spite of Covid-19 scare for the same reason.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Aarogya Setu App in India

Aarogya Setu App is a mobile application is from the Government of India. The purpose of this app is Contact Tracing i.e. warn the owner about potential infection.
Lakhs of people are using this mobile App in India. The app has been mandatory in some parts of the country.

Some problems with this App are

  • The app violates individual privacy. If I am near an infected person in a public area, the government will come to know about it. It can forcefully quarantine me.
  • This App has been hurriedly developed. There is no "proof of concept". So it is likely that a non-infected person will be marked as infected. He/She may be forcefully quarantined by Government. In this Quarantine, he/she may get infected. Now, the Government will say, "See, our App works. We found an infected person with our App"
  • The App is not open source. (The equivalent App used in Singapore is open source). So we have no idea about privacy violations by this App. We have no idea, which governments will be automatically alerted if I am near an infected person. We have to take the word of government regarding privacy issues. Now, how many people trust their government?
  • The App uses GPS continuously. Many smartphones don't have a built-in GPS like GLONASS. It is not clear about how this app will work on these smartphones.
  • The App uses Bluetooth continuously. Many smartphone users use Bluetooth for listening to music. It is not clear, whether music-listeners will still get to hear clear music after installing this app.
  • Using GPS and Bluetooth continuously is a huge drain on the battery. People will have to carry power banks or charge their smartphones in shorter intervals.
  • Many people in India don't carry a mobile phone. So how can it be made compulsory?
  • Many people in India carry a feature phone like JioPhone. This app can't be installed on a feature phone.

So I would recommend

  1. Don't install this App.
  2. If you have to install this app, then tell the official that you don't have a smartphone.
  3. If the officer insists on physically searching you, then show him a feature phone. Say that you don't carry any smartphone.
  4. If the officer still insists on physically searching for a smartphone, then carry two smartphones. Install this app on one of the smartphones. Keep this smartphone in "Airplane mode" most of the time. Use it only for showing to officers that you comply with rules.
  5. If you have only one smartphone and you are being forced to install this app, then disable the app after installation. Enable the app, only when you have show proof of compliance. Disable the app asap, after proving your compliance.
Anyone, who uses this app regularly is a moron.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Are Indians eunuchs?

The Indian government is extending lock-down. This is a violation of personal freedom of Indians. Why should Indians tolerate this injustice?

Break the lock-down now. Come out of your homes. Who can stop us? Police personnel is only a fraction of Indian citizens, in terms of numbers. They too will run when Indians come out in full might.

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is cooperating with it.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

How should countries combat Covid-19?

IMO the best way is:

  • Everyone should wear a mask in public. No entry in any public transport or office, without a mask. People using trains/airplanes/buses should also be encouraged to wear protective eye glasses.
  • Ban all social/religious/political/cultural/sports gatherings with certain exceptions e.g. Up to 20 people at a funeral. Up to 30 people at the marriage ceremony provided no food/drinks is served.
  • Every organization itself plans to minimize the spread of the virus at their premises e.g. Corporates may close down the canteen and serve food at cubicles. No food at railway stations/airports and within trains/airplanes. Cinema halls will operate at lower occupancy. Restaurants will stop eat-ins and only have delivery.
  • Students will learn from home. They will attend school/college only for activities that cannot be taught remotely.
  • No crowding e.g. Malls will allow only a limited number of customers. Buses will not allow more than 10 people to stand.

Countries that closing down businesses and imposing curfew are unnecessarily damaging their economy. These countries are either stupid or have some secret agenda to hurt their citizens.

Friday, 27 March 2020

How to fight Covid-19?

The following acts are some long term measures:

  • Wear a mask outside your home i.e. while walking on the road, while using public transport, while working amongst other people, etc. No need to wear a mask at home, while traveling with family in an AC car, etc; unless you are infected.
  • All visitors to your home should wear a mask. They should wash their hand when they come into your house.
  • Wash hands after returning home, after touching anything possibly infected, etc.
  • Use hand-kerchief or elbow while sneezing, when not wearing a mask.
  • Avoid touching other people outside your home e.g. Use Namaste instead of a handshake.

Lockdown of non-essential activities is a short term measure that can be used if the infection rate is very high in that area. It is not a long term measure.
India is currently under lock-down, even though the infection rate is unknown in India because very few tests have been conducted. India needs to

  1. End the lockdown soon.
  2. Conduct large scale testing.
  3. Enforce mandatory masks in public transport, on roads, in offices, etc. People violating this rule should be punished.
  4. Make face mask mandatory for people in gatherings e.g. Wedding ceremony, religious activities, construction activities, etc.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Convid-19 control in India

"Janata Curfew" of one day on 22-Mar-2020 will not be enough to slowdown the spread Covid-19 in India.
India needs

  1. Mandatory use of mask or handkerchief
    • in crowded areas e.g. railway/airplane travelers, shopkeepers, mall employees, etc.
    • for employees working in public space e.g. railway ticket clerks, postmen, bank clerks, cleaners, etc.
  2. Closure of non-essential gatherings malls, cinema halls, swimming pools, schools, colleges, temples, mosques, churches, gardens, playgrounds, restaurants, etc.
  3. Reduction in GST for all equipment used to work from home e.g mobiles, data packs, broadband service, routers, etc.
  4. Subsidized tests in government hospitals.
  5. Criminal charge for any infected person traveling in public, without taking appropriate precautions.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

Thappad movie is flawed

The priority of parents should be the child. The heroine of the movie wants a divorce when she is pregnant. She is selfish and a bad mother. Yet the movie portrays her as an ideal woman.

The movie places the entire blame on the man for slapping his wife. Violent acts don't normally occur in public suddenly. Verbal abuse and isolation of the victim occur earlier. So the couple has an opportunity to seek help or terminate the relationship. In the movie, the man shows no sign of any wrongdoing and then suddenly slaps his wife. The film presents an unrealistic picture to make the man look bad and the woman good.

The movie encourages women to seek a divorce, even if it harms the children. The movie doesn't lay any blame on the woman for choosing a violent man. The entire blame is of the man if he is violent. The movie is false propaganda, under the guise of entertainment.