India has had a lock-down for many weeks now, but the number of infections keeps rising. The purpose of the lockdown was to reduce the number of infections, but the government doesn't want to admit its failure. So it says lockdown reduced the rate at which virus infections were rising. So the lockdown is successful as per the government.
Now obviously, a lockdown can't continue for many months. It would destroy the economy and cause deaths due to starvation/malnutrition/diseases. So at some point in time, the lockdown will have to end.
In my opinion, the lockdown should be ended immediately with the following rules in place
- Face mask compulsory in public.
- Hygiene e.g. No spitting, no throwing garbage on road, no cow/dog shit on road, etc.
- Social distancing. Every business has to think and have a plan e.g. Doctors may see people by appointment so that there is no crowding in dispensaries. Restaurants will permit take-aways, but no eat-in. Office canteens will deliver food to cubicles of employees. Online training in schools with students attending school only for practicals that can't be shown online.
- Businesses that can't follow social distancing will remain shut e.g. Gyms, swimming pools, sports complexes, playgroups, nursery, Jr Kg, Sr Kg, etc.
- Allow private cars/buses to ferry passengers. This will reduce crowding in public transport.