Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Which candidate should get our vote during elections?

This decision shouldn't be based on events that occur just before elections. Such events are likely staged for dubious reasons. Vote for the candidate based on the chart below.

If multiple good candidates exist, then choose the best one i.e. one whose views and actions are most clear and agreeable.
If no candidate is good enough, then please don't vote.
If two candidates are equal, then prefer Independent over Political party candidate.
Reject any independent candidate who hasn't expressed strong views publicly for a long time.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Vaccinating Indians for Covid-19

Indian government wants every Indian vaccinated.
If vaccination is the preferable cure, then the vaccination order should be
  1. Modi and Amit Shah
  2. Central and state ministers
  3. All politicians, judges, military, and police
  4. Owners, board members, managers, and employees of pharma companies that make or distribute vaccines
  5. Political party workers and Government employees
Now note that:
  • India is not following the above order. India wants the poor to get vaccinated. The rich can get an exemption or bribe their way out of vaccination.
  • Watch what they do, not what they say. Note that no politician is in line to get vaccinated. They want others to get vaccinated so that they are not infected.
  • No other country wants its residents vaccinated. Many countries like China, Sweden, etc. were able to control Covid-19 without using vaccines.
  • Many studies have found Vaccines cause more damage than benefit to most people.
  • The government has given Pharma companies immunity from penalties/prosecution; if their vaccines cause death, disease, etc. If Vaccines are safe, then remove this immunity.
You are a moron, if you get in line to be vaccinated.

Friday, 16 October 2020

How to avoid censorship on the Internet?

Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc have banned people/accounts/posts/videos/etc. These companies have the legal right to control the content on their websites. If you want your content to be uncensored on the Internet, then:
  • Write all posts on your website.
  • Get an RSS feed for your posts on your website. Your readers will need an RSS reader to access your post. The news by RSS is unblockable.
  • Build a mailing list. Inform readers by email about your new posts. Emails are unblockable.
  • Readers can download videos and mp3 files via Magnet links. So there is no intermediatory between you and your viewer.
If you don't want to own a website, then post on GitHub, BlogSpot, etc. Your posts now are somewhat susceptible to censorship, but you can easily migrate all your posts from one site to another website. So at least you will not lose your information.
You may keep the link to your new post on Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may also keep your videos and mp3 files on Youtube, Bitchute, LBRY, etc. But, all information may be short-lived.