Friday, 20 November 2020

India fails in its Covid response

India had the severest lockdown in Asia. So India's GDP has suffered the worst. But the lockdown was ineffective. So the deaths in India remains the highest!
India needs to
  • Remove all lockdowns.
  • Encourage cleanliness, vitamin D3 to improve virus immunity, HCQ+ for high-risk persons, and Ivermectin+ for people with symptoms.
India is making many mistakes e.g.
  • Locking down healthy people. There should be no restrictions on people below the age of say 65.
  • Hoping for Vaccines
  • Conducting RT-PCR tests on people without symptoms.
  • Contact tracing.
  • Making masks compulsory everywhere outside the home. Masks work if used in closed congested spaces among strangers. No need to make them compulsory in open areas like parks, roads, etc.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

4G bands in India

India will auction some new 4G bands at the start of 2021. While purchasing a new mobile, please ensure that the following 4G-bands are supported:

  • Band 28 - 700MHz
  • Band 20 - 800MHz
  • Band 5 - 850MHz
  • Band 8 - 900MHz
  • Band 3 - 1800MHz
  • Band 1 - 2100MHz
  • Band 40 - 2300MHz
  • Band 41 - 2500MHz
If your phone doesn't support any of the above 4G bands, then to that extent, its network coverage will suffer.