Sunday, 31 January 2021

Short squeeze in silver

Physical silver is a small market. A short squeeze can drive the price of silver up by a massive percentage.

How to cause a short squeeze?
  1. Buy physical silver and take possession of the same.
  2. Forget SLV, PSLV, etc. Forget silver mining companies. Forget any derivatives of silver. Digital silver and its derivatives can be created out of thin air.
  3. Be prepared to hold your physical silver for many months. In the short run, silver shorts can cause a price drop.
There are almost no risks to this strategy. Silver can never go to zero. Central banks are creating massive amounts of currency out of thin air. Hence, silver prices will rise in the long run.

Buy silver, not to bankrupt some bank or hedge fund. Buy silver because it is real wealth, a hedge against inflation.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

The fall of the USA

Many American citizens are sure that Biden won his presidency by fraud. Now,
  • The Left will try to take away guns from American citizens.
  • The Left will try to curtail the freedoms of American citizens.
  • The USA dollar will fall as deficits rise. The USA will have high inflation.
  • The USA will cease to be a soft power.
  • Without the power to spend trillions on its military, the USA's influence will fall, and China's influence will rise in the next four years.
Americans should
  • Hide their wealth in physical gold and silver. Cryptocurrencies are also an option for the speculative.
  • Hide their guns and refuse to surrender them.
  • Don't take vaccines unless you have some good reason.
  • Stop using MSM (Mainstream media) for news. Keep views apolitical on platforms that censor conservative voices Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
  • Americans should start using platforms like lbry,, etc that have a strict policy not to censor conservative voices, as of now.
  • Refuse to vote unless the potential of fraud is eliminated i.e. retina scan or fingerprint scan is mandated.