Sunday, 21 December 2014

Key teaching of PK movie

I watched the PK movie and liked it. The movie had an important teaching.
I discussed the movie with many of my friends. Unfortunately, even though they enjoyed the movie; almost everyone missed the key teaching of the movie.

In my opinion, the message of PK movie is that there are two Gods.

  1. God has created us. We know nothing about this God. Anything said about this God cannot be proven.
  2. Humans have created multiple Gods. These Gods typically punish us and demand sacrifices. These Gods are mostly cruel. These Gods exist solely for the interests of its mangers (so-called religious experts). The goal behind the creation of these Gods is domination of majority for the benefit of few.

The God that Hindus worship is wrong number. The Allah that Muslims bow before is wrong number. The God that demands confession for sins in Christianity is wrong number. The book worshipped by Sikhs is wrong number. Here, people worship out of fear of cruel God. The managers of these religions solely benefit from this fear.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

RBI causes loss for Indians.

In Nov 2013, RBI allowed Indian banks to borrow US $34 billion for 3 years. Reference. The exchange rate was guaranteed by RBI. Interest rates for US $ is much lower than the interest rate for Indian rupee. So many banks took advantage of RBI's scheme.

Now Indian rupee is falling. This means that banks borrowed at cheap interest rates and the exchange rate loss will be borne by Indian taxpayers. So effectively RBI has transferred the wealth of Indian taxpayers to mostly private banks.

This policy was architected by the then finance minister P. Chidambaram and RBI Governer Rahuram Rajan. Chidambaram did not give an extension to the previous RBI governer Subbarao. It seems that Subbarao was not willing to co-operate with Chidambaram's corrupt policies.

This is just an example of how wealth is transferred to big corporates with the blessing of government. Of course, the big corporates are happy to give huge donations to political parties.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

India's inflation rate is 11%

RBI has released the Money supply statistics till 5-Dec-2014. Reference.
One year ago, inflation in India was 14.9% (as per M3 money supply). Now, the inflation in India is 11.0%. This is a huge achievement for BJP government led by Modi. The Congress (UPA) government had consistent high inflation. In just 6 months, BJP (Modi) has reduced inflation by nearly 4%.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Why is oil price dropping?

About 6 months ago, oil was over US $110 /bbl. Today oil is less US $69 /bbl. Why is the oil price falling? How long will this fall continue?

USA wants to overthrow Assad in Syria. Once Assad fall, Iran can also be attacked directly or covertly. Without Syria falling, Iran cannot be attached. USA wants Muslim Brotherhood or some other Muslim fundamentalist organization in Middle East.
Russia is supporting Assad. So USA has been failing to overthrow Assad. USA knows that unless Russia give up support to Assad, Syria will not fall.
Russia major export is oil. If oil prices drop, Russia will have economic problems; Russia will have difficulty in supporting military operations in Syria. Russian Rouble has fallen by a huge percentage in last few months because of falling oil prices.
I believe USA government is behind the dramatic fall in oil prices. It has been done to harm Russia

I believe USA will keep oil prices low i.e. below $ 70/bbl for next few months. But oil prices cannot be manipulated always. Sometime, during the next 2 years, oil will jump above $100/bbl.

In short term, speculators can short oil to make profile. Long term investors should be long oil to profit; but the ride will likely have many sharp turns.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

India's inflation rate is 11.4%

RBI has released the Money supply statistics till 14-Nov-2014. Reference.
One year ago, inflation in India was 14.2% (as per M3 money supply). Now, the inflation in India is 11.4%. This is a huge achivement for BJP government led by Modi. The Congress (UPA) government had consistent high inflation. In just 6 months, BJP (Modi) has reduced inflation by nearly 3%.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

India's Education Minister does not trust Science

India's education minister, Smriti Irani, visits an Astrologer. Reference.
This is bad news for India. Astrology is not proven in Science. So if Education Minister of a country is superstitious, what policies can we expect from her?

India is trying to make 2 changes to its education policies:

  1. Sanskrit will be in schools instead of foreign languages. Reference.
  2. Children should be taught in their mother-tongue. Reference.
Both the above policies are fundamentally flawed. The decision, of which language a child will study, is the right of child and its parents; the government should have no say in this issue. The government is violating the rights of its citizens by forcing Sanskrit and mother tongue languages.
If a child (with permission from his/her parents) wants to study Mandarin, what problem does India's education minister have with it? The parents are willing to bear the full expenses; they don't want any help from government.

Indian education is poor because

  • Course content is decided by government
  • Fees paid by students are mostly decided or controlled by government
  • Teachers' salary and promotion is determined by government
  • Exams are conducted by government controlled universities
India's education will improve when there is no government intervention of government in education. The competition among private school/colleges will cause the standard to rise. India's education minister should free education from government control, but instead she is increasing the government role in education.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

HyperInflation or Debt Default

The debt all over the world is increasing. How will this end?
I think that there are 2 options only.

Option 1 - Hyperinflation: Here the inflation will keep increasing; Governments/Bank will keep creating currency out of thin air. Inflation will keep rising 10%, 20%, 30%.... Ultimately inflation will become so high that all debts will be wiped out. The prices of good/service, at evening, will be much higher than the price of the same good/service, at morning. People will lose faith in currency. A barter system will come up. People will prefer to exchange good for good e.g. Pineapple for Water Melon or a few silver/gold pieces for a piece of land.

Option 2 - Debt Default: Inflation will keep rising and protests of people will rise. The governments will not be able to print any more currency. Interest rates will rise 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%.... to control the inflation. Stocks and Bonds will collapse in value. Unemployment will increase. Prices will start falling. People will be unable to repay their existing debt; they will default on their debt. Banks will go bankrupt. People with cash/gold/silver will become filthy rich (if their wealth is not confiscated by thieves or governments).

Conclusion: I think hyperinflation is not possible in western world e.g. USA, Germany, Canada, etc. Hyperinflation is possible in some third world countries e.g. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc.
So I expect the western world to default on its debt during the next few years. Gold and Silver, in your hands, will offer you protection against this crisis.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Reliance Jio looting India by bribing Politicians

When 4G licences were auctioned, the condition was 4G would be used only of data, not voice. So many players did not bid for 4G. The 4G auction fetched very little revenue for India. Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance managed to get hold of a 4G license across India via. Infotel.
After the auction was over, the Indian government said that it will allocate “unified license” retrospectively. This means Reliance can use 4G for voice, even though Reliance had paid only for data. So Indians suffer a huge loss; thousands of crores are transferred to Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance as profit.
The major steps in this corrupt deal were:

  • 4G auctions are setup with only data transmission allowed, no voice. So major players like Airtel, Vodafone, etc did not bid aggressively. The spectrum is sold for a paltry sum.
  • Government monopolies (BSNL and MTNL) are allowed 4G spectrum.
  • Infotel Broadband won all India 4G spectrum for Rs 12,750 crore. Reliance Jio bought Infotel Broadband and thus got this spectrum.
  • BSNL and MTNL withdraw from 4G spectrum, giving Reliance Jio a monopoly.
  • Reliance Jio is now allowed to transmit voice along with data in 4G.

If this was not enough, now Government wants Reliance to pay 1 to 2% of its annual revenue as tax, while other network operators (Vodafone, Airtel, etc) pay 5%. Reference.

Also, India has 15MHz of 3G spectrum that can be auctioned in Feb 2015. But the government is auctioning only 5MHz. The rest 10MHz will be kept idle. This is done to create an artificial scarcity in 3G. This will drive up 3G prices, to the benefit Reliance 4G. Also Government (via DOT) has made intra-circle pacts between Telecom illegal. So this means that Reliance 4G will be able to offer pan India service, but 3G operators will be able to operate only in selected states. This will drive customers, who travel across India (i.e. most profitable businesses), to Reliance 4G at the loss of 3G operators. Reference.

The Congress led UPA government favoured Reliance and now BJP government is favouring Reliance.

What should Indians do?
Indians should avoid taking the services of Reliance Jio because it has cheated Indians. Instead, Indians should use 3G of Vodafone, Airtel, etc. because these companies have won spectrum in open auction. This will pressurize companies to act more honestly. Also, Indians should not vote for Congress/BJP in next elections unless they stop favouring Reliance.

Social Progress Indicator not GDP is true measure of progress.

Many economists and politicians use GDP to measure the country's progress. This is incorrect. GDP rises when there is a flood, terrorist attack, etc. GDP just measures the amount being spent, not why it is being spent. So quoting GDP to measure progress is like quoting height of a person to measure intelligence!
A better way to measure country's progress is by SPI (Social Progress Indicator). Reference Video.
When we measure 132 countries by SPI, the best countries in the world today to live are New Zealand, Switzerland, Iceland, Netherlands and Norway; the worst countries to live in the world today are Chad, Central African Republic, Burundi, Guinea and Sudan. Among these 132 countries, India ranks 103. So most countries are better off than India. Even among the BRICS, Brazil ranks 46, Russia 81, China 91 and South Africa 70; India is at the bottom
How can India improve its SPI? Basically India needs to put more money in the hands of people. This is possible only government consumes less. So India needs to
  • Reduce taxes
  • Reduce subsidies
  • Reduce controls and bureucracy
  • Massively privatize the governemnt sector.

BJP (Modi) has created a lot of news and caused stock markets to rise, but let us look at the facts. Modi/BJP has raised exise duty on fuel, reduced subsidies (by freeing Diesel) and simplified laws to some extent. Modi has not not yet privatized any big governemnt company. So Modi/BJP have done little to improve India till now.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Modi's war against black money will fail.

Modi wants to unearth all black money. He will fail. Whenever a nation has high taxes, citizens respond by having black money. Modi wants more check, controls, punishments, etc to eliminate black money. This has never succeeded anywhere in world at any time in history. So it will not succeed in India.
The ONLY way black money can be eliminated is to have no or negligible taxes. Then citizens have no motivation to for keeping their money black.
If Modi truly wants to eliminate black money totally, I would suggest
  • Eliminate income tax (and TDS).
  • Impose a tax of say 0.1 on all bank transactions and 1% on all cash withdrawals from bank.
  • Reduce the salary of public servants by the amount of income tax that was due, so that their take home salary is not changed.
Now, black money is totally eliminated. But no government is willing to take above steps because this crooks wants others to be honest, but their group of friends can be dishonest. Having simple clear rules like those above, that are difficult to bypass, will force everyone to be honest. That is not acceptable to politicians and their friends.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Kudos to Modi for reducing Inflation in India

RBI has released the M3 money supply till 17-Oct-2014. In one year prior to this date, India's M3 money supply has grown by 12% i.e. inflation in India is 12. Inflation was 13.6% for Oct-2012 to Oct-2013.
Infaltion was 13.6% under Congress; inflation is 12% under BJP. So BJP/Modi have reduced inflation from 13.6% to 12% in few months. This is a significant achiement that deserves praise.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

India in Year 2024

I woke up in the morning of Sunday 13-Oct-2024. The motion sensors in my room immediately started coffee maker. The TV switched on. Politicians were on screen. They were issuing proclamations about the fine health of Indian economy. Citizens, they explained, needed to work in accordance with NWO (New World Order) to maximize wealth for all. I knew that this was propaganda, yet I did not switch off the TV. The channels, a person watches, are recorded by the government. Switching off the propaganda channels is viewed with suspicion by authorities.

Stock and Bond markets were abolished after the worldwide financial collapse of 2018. Initially, people were told that markets would close "temporarily" just to stop the panic; but once the markets were shut, there was no way to reopen them without the panic restarting.

Today, trust in markets is completely gone. All investors want is their money back. Governments all over the world, starting printing enormous quantities of currency after the panic of 2008. This solution too failed by 2018, because more debt does not solve the problem of too much debt. When panic hit again in 2018, currency was viewed as worthless. So markets simply closed.

Between 2018-2020, G-20 major powers abolished all currencies for international trade other than SDR (Special Drawing Rights). The US dollar became the local currency of North and South America; Euro for Europe, Africa and Australia; RuAsia (new currency that is a combination of Ruble and Yuan) for Asia.

SDRs are used only for settlements between countries. Everyday citizens in India use the RuAsia for daily transactions. The rupee devaluation was so great in 2018, the rupee became worthless. The SDR is also used to set energy prices. All three local currencies (Dollar, Euro and RuAsia) are benchmarked against SDR. The world central bank (formerly IMF) administers the SDR system under the direction of G-20. Since exchange rates are fixed, there is no currency trading.

Worldwide gold was confiscated in 2020. All G-20 nations contributed their national gold to World Central Bank. All this gold was placed in nuclear bomb-proof vault at Swiss Alps. All private gold was forcibly confiscated and added to this vault. All Gold mining has been nationalized and suspended on environmental grounds.

The purpose of the Swiss vault was not to have gold backing for currencies, but rather to remove gold from the financial system entirely, so it could never be used as money again. Thus, gold trading ceased because its production, use and possession were banned. The World Central Bank and G-20 now control the only forms of official currencies.

Some lucky ones had purchased gold before 2015 and sold it when it reached Rs 1,00,000 per gram in 2019. By then, inflation was out of control and the power elites knew that all confidence in paper currencies had been lost. The solution was either a gold-backed currency or confiscate gold. Gold-backed currency meant small government and limited power to World Central Bank i.e. no NWO. So gold was confiscated and SDRs were introduced under the guise of helping people. Some smart people sold gold before the confiscation and purchased real estate, which was not confiscated. Even smart people held on to thier gold; Government could not confiscate their gold because this gold was not in ETF and bank lockers. These people had hidden thier gold in secret places. Today, gold and silver are traded in black market at very high prices; thus making the owners of gold/silver extremely wealthy.

Those, who never owned gold in the first place, saw their savings, retirement incomes, pensions and insurance polices turn to dust once the hyperinflation began. The only way to preserve wealth through the panic of 2018 was to have gold, silver, real-estate or fine art. But investors not only needed to have the foresight to buy it... they also had to be nimble enough to sell the gold/silver before the confiscation of 2020 (or hide gold in physical form); and then buy more real-estate and hang on to their real-estate or secret gold/silver. For this reason, most people lost everything.

Land and personal property was not confiscated, because much of it was needed for living arrangements and agriculture. Personal property was too difficult to confiscate for the state.

Stock and Bond trading were halted when the markets closed. During the panic selling after the crash of 2018, stocks were wiped out. Bonds were wiped out in the hyperinflation of 2019. Governments closed the stock and bond markets, nationalized most corporations and declared a moratorium on all debts. Politicians initially explained it as an effort to "buy time" to come up with a plan to unfreeze the markets; but over time, they realized that trust and confidence had been permanently destroyed, and there was no point in trying to open markets.

Wiped-out savers broke out in riots soon after, but were quickly suppressed by police and army in the cities. Curbing of riots in villages took a while longer. Highway tollbooth cameras were used to spot and interdict those who tried to flee by car.

In compensation for citizens' wealth destroyed by inflation and confiscation, governments distributed digital currency. Everyone got the same amount of this government assistance. So almost everyone had the same net worth and same standard of living.

To facilitate the gradual freezing of markets, confiscation of wealth and creation of digital currency; world governments coordinated the elimination of cash in 2016. The "Cashless society" was sold to citizens as convenience. No more dirty, grubby notes to be carried around! Instead, you could pay with cards and mobile phones; and could transfer funds on-line. Only when elimination of cash was complete did citizens realize that digital currency meant total control by government. Deeply indebted government now easily adopted negative interest rates. Governments simply deducted taxes for citizens' bank accounts every month. Without cash, there was no black money.

The government could now monitor all of transactions and digitally froze any citizen's account if he/she protested against government policies. Those guilty of dissent were punished with digital elimination of their digital wealth.

The entire process unfolded in small stages so that citizens barely noticed before it was too late. Gold/Silver had been the best way to preserve wealth till 2018, but in the end, they were confiscated because the power elites knew otherwise the power of Governments and World Central Bank would be limited. First they eliminated cash in 2016. Then they eliminated diverse currencies in 2018. Finally came the hyperinflation of 2019, which wiped out most wealth, followed by gold and silver confiscation and digital socialism of 2020.

By 2023, free markets, private property and entrepreneurship were things of the past. All that remains of wealth is land, fine art and illegal gold/silver. The only other valuable assets are individual talents, provided you can deploy them outside the system of state of state-approved jobs.

(Adapted from Jim Richards - In the Year 2024)

Will BJP/Shiv Sena undo the corruption of Congress/NCP in Maharashtra?

Just before Congress and NCP were voted out of power in Maharashtra state, they directed all departments to withhold any information in RTI replies that does not constitute “public interest”. This rule is designed to cripple RTI in state.

If BJP and Shiv Sena are less corrupt than Congress and NCP, then they will immediately cancel this order. Let us see.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Men vs Women, the eternal fight.

Why do many women want men to be romantic?
A man cannot have lust and sharp intellect at the same time. Blood gushes either to the penis or brain at any point of time. When a woman says, I want a romantic man; she is effectively saying, "I don't want my man to think when he is with me. He should just obey me. I should be able to manipulate him. If he is not romantic, he will use his intellect. So he will see through all my tricks. I will then have to treat him as my equal. That is not acceptable."

Why do men want to be rich?
Women are attracted to money. Men know that being rich is the guaranteed way to attract beautiful women. Women say that like men who are sensitive, humorous, etc; but men know that is all bullshit. Women choose rich men and then try to change him. It like buying a car and then trying to convert it to a boat. It fails miserably. Then women are dissatisfied and complain about all men.

What is the solution?
Men and women should choose each other because of virtues, not because of looks, riches, etc. Then the strife between them is reduced and marriage can be bliss. Marry only because of the virtues of your partner. Any other reason for marriage is a recipe for disaster.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

India's Inflation is 12.6%

RBI has released the M3 money supply till 3-Oct-2014. In one year prior to this date, India's M3 money supply has grown by 12.6% i.e. inflation in India was 12.6%. Inflation was 13.6% for Oct-2012 to Oct-2013.
Infaltion was 13.6% under Congress; inflation is 12.6% under BJP. So Modi has reduced inflation from 13.6% to 12.6%. This is not a great achievment, but it is also not an insignificant achiement.

Monday, 13 October 2014

What is the link between Dollar rising, oil falling, Ebola virus and War?

USA wants war with Syria and Iran. USA wants Muslim Fundamentalists to control the middle-eastern region. These Muslim fundamentalist will beg USA for support, unlike the current regimes. USA can easily overthrow these Muslim fundamentalist regimes in future, if required.
Americans will oppose a direct war with Syria/Iran by
  1. Saying that economy will grow weaker. So USA is strengthening its dollar by reducing Quantitative Easing.
  2. Protesting on roads. So now we have The Ebola virus scare. So people will hesitate to group together in public places.
  3. claiming oil prices will rise causing economy to suffer. Also, Russia is supporting Syria and Iran. All three countries export oil. So USA has caused the oil price to fall, thereby weakening the economies of these three countries and reducing protests for war due to oil prices.
On paper, USA is supposed to bomb ISIS. But actually, USA is bombing Syria's infrastructure. ISIS is just a cover for USA to continue its agenda.
During the next few weeks, I expect
  • Dollar to strengthen further.
  • Oil price to fall further.
  • Ebola scare to continue growing.
  • USA will bomb Syria more aggressively.
  • Russia is not going to take all this lying down quietly. Russia will cut gas supplies to Europe. Europe will have to choose between continuing support to USA or make long term deals with Russia. May European countries like Germany will prefer to ally with Russia.
  • Gold and Silver demand will rise.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Microsoft wants to treat men and women equally!

Microsoft chief said, "The system will actually give women the right raises as you go along." Reference.
He is right. Everyone get the pay that he/she deserves; not just women. The law is universal.

But, Women are protesting against this statement. Women want to be treated special. They want laws that protect them. How about laws that protect men? That would be fair and true equality. For true equality, we need to stop treating women as special. Laws have to be equal for everyone.

Pay, in private sector, is dependent upon performance. Women, who oppose Satya Nadella and want more pay because of gender, are basically leeches of the system. They want to consume more without producing more in society.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Poor-Rich gap growing in India

The gap between rich and poor is widening in India. Reference. Why?

Higher the taxes, greater is the gap between rich and poor. The rich can show income abroad or tax free zones. So actually most taxes are paid by middle-class making them poor.

India needs to reduce taxes. Then only the gap can be narrowed. Reduction of taxes, has to accompanied with reduction in subsidies. Otherwise, inflation will rise.

To reduce the gap between rich and poor, India needs to

  • Reduce taxes
  • Reduce subsidies
  • Privatize massively to stop leaks and bring in efficiency
  • Reduce reglations that clog the business
Just broom and building toilets will not solve the problem.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

India lags in Internet speed.

India has the slowest broadband in Asia. Reference. Why?

Indian government has more regulations and taxes on broadband, as compared to most countries in the world. All these inhibit the growth of broadband.

In today's world, network connection is considered mandatory like water, electricity, etc. Unless Indian government changes its rules, India will continue to lag in broadband speed.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Secure email for Indian government officials

India wants secure email for 50 lakh government employees. Reference. It is a good idea. But how to make Indian government emails secure? The revelations of Edward Snowden prove that USA can spy on any email and USA has the power to switch of Internet. So make India's emails secure

  • Only open source Operating System like GNU/Linux should be used. If Microsoft's Windows Server is used for emails, then USA can easily coerce Microsoft for back-door access to emails.
  • The servers should reside in India at multiple locations for redundancy.
  • When one Indian official sends email to another, the data should NOT go to destiantion via another country like USA, for that would be a security breach.
  • Even if USA activates the Internet kill switch, Indian networks should continue functioning.

For emails, it is easy to come up with an unsecure disaster-prone solution. Designing a secure, disaster-redundant solution will take more time and effort, but it would be worth it.

Friday, 19 September 2014

ISIS is an excuse for war

The White House announced that the US will retaliate, if the Assad regime in Syria fires upon any US planes that soon will be attacking targets inside of Syria.
The people are told the attacks will be aimed at ISIS terrorists but, the real intent of the US government to destroy the Assad regime. So some of the attacks against ISIS will, in reality, be aimed at the Syrian government. Syria will attempt to defend itself by shooting at US planes carrying out those attacks. The US military will respond with a major assault against the Syrian government in the name of defending itself. Reference.

Fifty moderate Islamic commanders, who opposed ISIS were killed in an explosion during a meeting to discuss a strategy to defeat ISIS. ISIS is covertly controlled by the Saudis and the West. Those, who want war in the Middle East for control of oil reserves and pipelines, need an enemy like ISIS to provide an excuse for their military presence. Moderates must be eliminated. Reference.

Who is behind the ISIS be-headings? A private intelligence group had the latest beheading video before ISIS itself released it. This is the same group that previously released a forged Bin Ladin video. Does anyone smell a rat? Reference.

USA has long history to lie to Congress and people, to start a war. The war benefits the USA dollar. Reference. As soon as the war starts

  • Stocks will fall.
  • Oil, Gold and Silver will rise.
  • US Dollar will strengthen against many currencies.
Prepare accordingly.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Why BJP lost in recent bypolls?

BJP had a landslide victory during the Lok Sabha elections held around May 2014. In Sep 2014, BJP lost most seats in the by-polls. Why this huge difference?

In May 2014 elections, BJP concentrated on development and Indian economy. During the by-polls, the candidates were talking mostly of religion. So the Indian voter is clear. The common man in India wants development and not talk about religion.

BJP needs to get its act together. Instead of talking about religion, they should talk about reducing inflation and taxes. Then in coming state elections, BJP can win.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Android One in India

Google today launched 3 Android One pieces in India, in association with vendors Micromax, Karbonn and Spice. These phones have the advantage that updates will be sent directly by Google. Many vendors sell mobile phones in India, that are not Android One. These phones never receive any update. Updates are mandatory for a mobile phone, just like a PC; because bugs are found and software can usually be made more efficient over time.

All three Android phones, launched today, suffer from the same problems i.e.

  • They have only 1GB RAM. If a person is buying phone today and wants to use it for next few years, then RAM should be at least 2GB.
  • Internal memory is only 4GB and of this some part is used by mobile operations system. So only, about 2GB is left for Apps. If a person buys a phone today and wants to install games on it for the next few years, the internal memory should have been at least 16GB. It is inconvenient to move games from internal SD-card to external after each install/update.
  • The screen for all three phones is only 4.5". Nowadays, many people use mobile phone instead of PC/Laptop/Tablet to watch movies. They need at least 5" screen with stronger battery.
  • Google says that it will give updates to these Android One phones for upto two years. In India, people still PCs with Windows XP; they purchase a PC and try to use it for 10 years. Google should have guaranteed updates for at least 4 years.

The vendors needs to rectify these errors quickly. They need to launch new Android One phones, with 2GB RAM, internal card of 16GB, screen size of at least 5" and free updates for four years at least. The rest of the specifications can remain the same. Many people in India will purchase phones with improved specification, even if the cost rises by few dollars. Without considering overall value, Google and its vendors cannot capture Indian market just on the basis of initial price.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

War is coming

War drums are beating louder in middle east, Ukraine, etc. USA needs a war to hide its economic collapse. So we can be sure that a war will come.

The war will be preceded by a false flag event. As soon as war is announced stocks will fall; oil, gold and silver will rise.

I recommend

  • Spread information about the false flag to prevent war e.g. ISIS is supported by USA, Ukraine conflict is created by NATO, etc.
  • Traders should short stocks and go long oil/gold/silver.
  • During a war, usually USA dollar strengthens temporarily against other currencies because people look for a safe haven. So currency traders can also consider long dollar and short Yen/Euro.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Healthy Diet

Consider the following

  • Conductivity Diet. 4 tonics after waking up till afternoon. After that, drink minimum water only to quench thirst. Conductivity Diet:
    1. half tea spoon of Himalayan unrefined salt in one liter of water Buy salt at
    2. half tea spoon of ginger, turmeric and ed chilli each in one liter of water. Add 2 to 4 big lemons.
    3. half tea spoon of Chlorella in one liter of water. Buy Chlorella at
    4. one pinch of Shilajit (about 1 to 2 grams) in one liter of water By Shilajit at
  • Raw Vegan diet as far as possible - No meat, No diary, few or no eggs. Prefer raw fruits and vegetables over cooked food.
  • Ground flax seeds (2 teaspoons with minimal water) with evening meal.
  • Never eat till you are full during the day. Eat till you are satisfied.
  • Get Sunlight daily for at least 20 minutes. Take Vitamin D3 capsules, if this is not possible.
  • Salt water Gargle daily once
  • Brush once (with or without paste) at night.
  • Do intense exercise for short time, instead of long slow long exercise e.g. Walk briskly for about 40 minutes 3 times a week or every alternate day.
  • Eat some coconut pieces daily about total size 3" X 3". When coconut pieces are not available, pour coconut oil (100% pure) on salad. Use Red chilli only with some FAT (oil/coconut/etc) in food.
  • The enemy is sugar and processed food (bread, fried food, biscuits, cookies, etc).
  • Fat is your friend e.g. 100% pure Olive oil or Coconut oil on Salad is good.
  • Drink water at room temperature. Don't eat for 30 minutes after drinking water. Don't drink water for 60 minutes after a meal.
  • Don't eat often. One fruit meal during the day, without carbohydrates and fat. One heavy meal at night with fat (Few carbohydrates can be added, if needed). Don't eat for at least 2 hours after eating fresh fruit like Water-melon; 4 hours after eating a high fat meal like Salad with oil. Eat only when really very hungry in between.
  • Enema on days that feel sick or don't clear stomach.
  • Take a leak (piss) after every meal, even you feel that you don't need to.
  • Apply 100% pure coconut oil on head, skin and lips, when needed. Minimize moisturizers, creams, etc.
  • Chew food till it is paste in your mouth. This makes digestion simpler.
  • See which raw foods can be combined together and which raw foods should not combined together in this chart.
  • Don't drink tea or coffee. If needed, drink Green Tea (without sugar and cream) or unsweetened Cocoa powder in warm water.
  • Eat seeded fruits like watermelon, papaya, pomegranates. Avoid seedless fruits like green grapes, raisins.
  • Get full body test every 2 years and take vitamin supplements based on results.
  • Bad Foods: Baked potato skins, Soda, SOS (Refined Salt, Most Oils, Sugar), Milk (and derivatives), bread, pizza, non-veg, unripe fruits, packaged (raw) food, Aspirin, dried fruits (dates, dried figs, prunes, etc), Peanuts, cookies, cakes, biscuits, etc.
    Reduce greatly: Juices (increases sugar fast), nuts and seeds.
    Good Foods: Unrefined salt (1 to 5 grams a day), fruits, Dark leafy vegetables, hemp seeds, Organic Apples, Carrots, cucumber (with skin), cinnamon, onion, garlic, Imli (tamarind), purple/red cabbage, beet.

Basically, listen to your body. Your body will give you feedback e.g. If you feel uncomfortable after consuming some food item, you probably need to reduce that food item. Also vice-versa, if you feel energetic after eating some food item, you probably should consume it more often.

Monday, 25 August 2014


I am an Anarcho-Capitalist. I believe

  • There should be no taxes.
  • Only gold and silver (and maybe copper) physical coins are money.
  • Self-Defence. Reference.

Mistakes of Mahatma Gandhi

Like all humans, Mahatma Gandhi also made many big mistakes e.g.

  • During World War I, he stopped opposing Britain. In fact, he requested people to join British army. That decision delayed India’s Independence by many years, if not decades. Mahatma Gandhi was NOT street smart.
  • Mahatma decided to abstain from sex a few years after marriage. He had the right to do whatever he wants with his body, but his wife was also impacted by this decision. What if his wife wanted sex? A better decision would have been not to marry or take decisions considering his wife also.
  • British were about leave India. They wanted to split India and make part of it Pakistan. Everyone was looking at Mahatma Gandhi for leadership, but unfortunately Mahatma made the wrong decision. By allowing Pakistan, millions of people were died, injured, raped, robbed and dislocated. Even today both countries continue to suffer because of that one decision.
  • Pakistan took a part of Kashmir by force, but Mahatma Gandhi told the Indian government to pay Pakistan 55 crore rupees (worth 18000 tons of gold at that time). Pakistan was entitled to this money, but given its aggression, it would have been normal to set the termination of its aggression, including the withdrawal of its invading troops, as a condition for the payment. Indeed, that would have been a sterling contribution to the cause of enduring peace, saving the lives of the many thousands who fell in subsequent decades because of the festering wound which Kashmir has remained under partial Pakistani occupation. This was the main reason that some pro-Hindu people murdered him.
  • After Independence, Mahatma Gandhi was in a position to decide who would be the first Prime Minister of free India. He chose Jawaharlal Nehru. This one decision caused decades of poverty in India because Nehru was a socialist (one who believes in big government and suspects private industry). Mahatma Gandhi was not a smart economist to understand that Capitalism would remove poverty from India, while socialism would cause millions to remain in poverty for many decades.

Mahatma Gandhi was a poor statesman. Many people consider Gandhi to be a moral person, but people who listen to this talk will disagree.

Improving education in India

Education is poor in India. There are few schools and colleges. The course content is pathetic. Most teachers have poor skills and low motivation. Children and Teenagers hardly learn anything. Most of them learn by their own effort and/or private tuitions.

Worldwide, the landscape of education is changing. It is now possible to learn almost anything online. India can dramatically improve its education standards by embracing online education.

Here are the steps needed to be taken by India in the short term:

  1. Children/Teenagers need not attend school/college. They can learn online from their homes. They will appear for test physically at some school/college. On passing the exam, the certificate issued to them, will be same as those that had attended the school/college physically.
  2. No discrimination will be made, at any level, between an online and traditional learner.
  3. An online learner can at any time decide to attend school/college physically. Vice-versa, a traditional school/college attendee can convert to online learner.

In the long term, to improve education in India, we need to remove all government intervention. The private companies, run for profit, will build colleges/schools/online learning. No permissions will be needed from the government. The private companies will have the full power to decide their course content, what teachers to employ (if any), how much salary to pay to teachers, how to conduct exam, what fees to charge, issue passing certificates, etc.

Telecom communication was poor in India, when only government managed it with companies like BSNL and MTNL. Once private players will allowed into Telecomj, Airtel and Vodafone revolutionalized telecom. The same revolution is needed for education in India.

Saturday, 23 August 2014


This blog is used to express my personal views on various events in India and some important worldwide events.