The debt all over the world is increasing. How will this end?
I think that there are 2 options only.
Option 1 - Hyperinflation: Here the inflation will keep increasing; Governments/Bank will keep creating currency out of thin air. Inflation will keep rising 10%, 20%, 30%.... Ultimately inflation will become so high that all debts will be wiped out. The prices of good/service, at evening, will be much higher than the price of the same good/service, at morning. People will lose faith in currency. A barter system will come up. People will prefer to exchange good for good e.g. Pineapple for Water Melon or a few silver/gold pieces for a piece of land.
Option 2 - Debt Default: Inflation will keep rising and protests of people will rise. The governments will not be able to print any more currency. Interest rates will rise 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%.... to control the inflation. Stocks and Bonds will collapse in value. Unemployment will increase. Prices will start falling. People will be unable to repay their existing debt; they will default on their debt. Banks will go bankrupt. People with cash/gold/silver will become filthy rich (if their wealth is not confiscated by thieves or governments).
Conclusion: I think hyperinflation is not possible in western world e.g. USA, Germany, Canada, etc. Hyperinflation is possible in some third world countries e.g. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc.
So I expect the western world to default on its debt during the next few years. Gold and Silver, in your hands, will offer you protection against this crisis.
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