Wednesday, 26 November 2014

India's inflation rate is 11.4%

RBI has released the Money supply statistics till 14-Nov-2014. Reference.
One year ago, inflation in India was 14.2% (as per M3 money supply). Now, the inflation in India is 11.4%. This is a huge achivement for BJP government led by Modi. The Congress (UPA) government had consistent high inflation. In just 6 months, BJP (Modi) has reduced inflation by nearly 3%.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

India's Education Minister does not trust Science

India's education minister, Smriti Irani, visits an Astrologer. Reference.
This is bad news for India. Astrology is not proven in Science. So if Education Minister of a country is superstitious, what policies can we expect from her?

India is trying to make 2 changes to its education policies:

  1. Sanskrit will be in schools instead of foreign languages. Reference.
  2. Children should be taught in their mother-tongue. Reference.
Both the above policies are fundamentally flawed. The decision, of which language a child will study, is the right of child and its parents; the government should have no say in this issue. The government is violating the rights of its citizens by forcing Sanskrit and mother tongue languages.
If a child (with permission from his/her parents) wants to study Mandarin, what problem does India's education minister have with it? The parents are willing to bear the full expenses; they don't want any help from government.

Indian education is poor because

  • Course content is decided by government
  • Fees paid by students are mostly decided or controlled by government
  • Teachers' salary and promotion is determined by government
  • Exams are conducted by government controlled universities
India's education will improve when there is no government intervention of government in education. The competition among private school/colleges will cause the standard to rise. India's education minister should free education from government control, but instead she is increasing the government role in education.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

HyperInflation or Debt Default

The debt all over the world is increasing. How will this end?
I think that there are 2 options only.

Option 1 - Hyperinflation: Here the inflation will keep increasing; Governments/Bank will keep creating currency out of thin air. Inflation will keep rising 10%, 20%, 30%.... Ultimately inflation will become so high that all debts will be wiped out. The prices of good/service, at evening, will be much higher than the price of the same good/service, at morning. People will lose faith in currency. A barter system will come up. People will prefer to exchange good for good e.g. Pineapple for Water Melon or a few silver/gold pieces for a piece of land.

Option 2 - Debt Default: Inflation will keep rising and protests of people will rise. The governments will not be able to print any more currency. Interest rates will rise 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%.... to control the inflation. Stocks and Bonds will collapse in value. Unemployment will increase. Prices will start falling. People will be unable to repay their existing debt; they will default on their debt. Banks will go bankrupt. People with cash/gold/silver will become filthy rich (if their wealth is not confiscated by thieves or governments).

Conclusion: I think hyperinflation is not possible in western world e.g. USA, Germany, Canada, etc. Hyperinflation is possible in some third world countries e.g. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc.
So I expect the western world to default on its debt during the next few years. Gold and Silver, in your hands, will offer you protection against this crisis.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Reliance Jio looting India by bribing Politicians

When 4G licences were auctioned, the condition was 4G would be used only of data, not voice. So many players did not bid for 4G. The 4G auction fetched very little revenue for India. Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance managed to get hold of a 4G license across India via. Infotel.
After the auction was over, the Indian government said that it will allocate “unified license” retrospectively. This means Reliance can use 4G for voice, even though Reliance had paid only for data. So Indians suffer a huge loss; thousands of crores are transferred to Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance as profit.
The major steps in this corrupt deal were:

  • 4G auctions are setup with only data transmission allowed, no voice. So major players like Airtel, Vodafone, etc did not bid aggressively. The spectrum is sold for a paltry sum.
  • Government monopolies (BSNL and MTNL) are allowed 4G spectrum.
  • Infotel Broadband won all India 4G spectrum for Rs 12,750 crore. Reliance Jio bought Infotel Broadband and thus got this spectrum.
  • BSNL and MTNL withdraw from 4G spectrum, giving Reliance Jio a monopoly.
  • Reliance Jio is now allowed to transmit voice along with data in 4G.

If this was not enough, now Government wants Reliance to pay 1 to 2% of its annual revenue as tax, while other network operators (Vodafone, Airtel, etc) pay 5%. Reference.

Also, India has 15MHz of 3G spectrum that can be auctioned in Feb 2015. But the government is auctioning only 5MHz. The rest 10MHz will be kept idle. This is done to create an artificial scarcity in 3G. This will drive up 3G prices, to the benefit Reliance 4G. Also Government (via DOT) has made intra-circle pacts between Telecom illegal. So this means that Reliance 4G will be able to offer pan India service, but 3G operators will be able to operate only in selected states. This will drive customers, who travel across India (i.e. most profitable businesses), to Reliance 4G at the loss of 3G operators. Reference.

The Congress led UPA government favoured Reliance and now BJP government is favouring Reliance.

What should Indians do?
Indians should avoid taking the services of Reliance Jio because it has cheated Indians. Instead, Indians should use 3G of Vodafone, Airtel, etc. because these companies have won spectrum in open auction. This will pressurize companies to act more honestly. Also, Indians should not vote for Congress/BJP in next elections unless they stop favouring Reliance.

Social Progress Indicator not GDP is true measure of progress.

Many economists and politicians use GDP to measure the country's progress. This is incorrect. GDP rises when there is a flood, terrorist attack, etc. GDP just measures the amount being spent, not why it is being spent. So quoting GDP to measure progress is like quoting height of a person to measure intelligence!
A better way to measure country's progress is by SPI (Social Progress Indicator). Reference Video.
When we measure 132 countries by SPI, the best countries in the world today to live are New Zealand, Switzerland, Iceland, Netherlands and Norway; the worst countries to live in the world today are Chad, Central African Republic, Burundi, Guinea and Sudan. Among these 132 countries, India ranks 103. So most countries are better off than India. Even among the BRICS, Brazil ranks 46, Russia 81, China 91 and South Africa 70; India is at the bottom
How can India improve its SPI? Basically India needs to put more money in the hands of people. This is possible only government consumes less. So India needs to
  • Reduce taxes
  • Reduce subsidies
  • Reduce controls and bureucracy
  • Massively privatize the governemnt sector.

BJP (Modi) has created a lot of news and caused stock markets to rise, but let us look at the facts. Modi/BJP has raised exise duty on fuel, reduced subsidies (by freeing Diesel) and simplified laws to some extent. Modi has not not yet privatized any big governemnt company. So Modi/BJP have done little to improve India till now.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Modi's war against black money will fail.

Modi wants to unearth all black money. He will fail. Whenever a nation has high taxes, citizens respond by having black money. Modi wants more check, controls, punishments, etc to eliminate black money. This has never succeeded anywhere in world at any time in history. So it will not succeed in India.
The ONLY way black money can be eliminated is to have no or negligible taxes. Then citizens have no motivation to for keeping their money black.
If Modi truly wants to eliminate black money totally, I would suggest
  • Eliminate income tax (and TDS).
  • Impose a tax of say 0.1 on all bank transactions and 1% on all cash withdrawals from bank.
  • Reduce the salary of public servants by the amount of income tax that was due, so that their take home salary is not changed.
Now, black money is totally eliminated. But no government is willing to take above steps because this crooks wants others to be honest, but their group of friends can be dishonest. Having simple clear rules like those above, that are difficult to bypass, will force everyone to be honest. That is not acceptable to politicians and their friends.