Wednesday, 7 January 2015

What should parents teach children?

Parents should teach only following skills to their children.

  1. Scientific thinking / logical thinking / critical thinking: Most parents don't teach this skill to their children because they want children to do as they say. If children think independently, they may come to different conclusion than their parents. These parents usually dislike their children questioning them. They usually bully their children into silence.
  2. Communication skills / social interaction skills: Most parents don't teach this skill to their children because it undermines their authority. How can a parent, who loves to bully his/her children, sit and have one-on-one talk with his/her child as an equal?
  3. Adults lie: Children never lie. Adults almost always lie. Children are in sync w.r.t. thought, word and action. Adults usually think one way, say another and do something else. Children are unselfish by nature; adults are selfish. Children have to be taught that most people are cheats or plain stupid. Most parents don't teach this to their children because children would immediately recognize their parents as selfish and/or stupid.
The rest children can figure out by themselves. Parents tell their children to become a doctor/engineer. They never ask their children what they would like to be because a child may choose a profession that the parent thinks will lead to lesser income in life (so less indirect benefit to the parent) or more expenses on education or greater effort for parent or some other inconvenience for the parent.

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