Sunday, 18 October 2015

Myths in Philosophy

Myth 1: There is no God.
Fact: If I were to say, "There is no intelligence behind your mobile. Some metal and plastic parts, by accident, came together to form your mobile."; people would laugh at me. An Atheist says, "There is no intelligence behind this world. The human beings, animals, plants, earth, sun, seasons, etc are a result of pure accident/evolution."; yet some people believe the atheist. There exists some kind of intelligent creator. We don't know anything about this Creator. For convenience we can give any name to this Creator. One of the names given, for the sake of convenience in conversation, is God.

Myth 2: Meditation bliss is hallucination.
Fact: Across the world, in different ages, the meditation bliss is described by meditators in the same way; a hallucination is not experienced by different people, at different times, in exactly the same way.

Myth 3: This Ram or Krishna or Allah or Jesus is God.
Fact: No such evidence exists; When it is proven scientifically, we shall believe it.

Myth 4: God is all powerful. There is hell or heaven after death.
Fact: Again, this has not been proven scientifically. So any such belief is superstition.

Myth 5: God created religions (Hinduism, Muslims and Christianity)
Fact: Religions were created by Humans. Idols (Ram, Krishna, etc) were made by humans. The Bhagwad Gita and Vedas of Hinduism, were written by some human. The Koran of Muslims is a product of human mind. The Bible of Christians was written by some human(s). So to ask questions like "What does Gita/Vedas/Bible/Koran say about this? What is the meaning of this sentence in these books? etc" are meaningless; because they assume that the Gita/Vedas/Koran/Bible is perfect, cannot be improved and we have to follow it.

Myth 6: A Guru is necessary of Spiritual progress.
Fact: An inquiring mind can learn from a bird, forest or nature.

Myth 7: God punishes or rewards us for our actions.
Fact: Every action has a reaction e.g. If I jump from a tree, I will fall down and likely hurt myself. So why involve God here?

Many more myths exist, but I have mentioned the common myths above. Religion is primarily used to exploit the weak. Any spiritual leader or religion, who/that propagates above myths, is either ignorant or a fraud.

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