Thursday, 8 July 2021

Cure for Covid-19 vaccine

The vaccines like Astrazeneca, Johnson&Johnson, Pfzier, etc have side effects like blood clots, magnetism, etc. Ideally, you should not have taken these vaccines. But, if you have taken them, then you can neutralize the effect of these vaccines by taking N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 600mg.
Initially, you will have to take this dose multiple times a day, after every meal. Then, as your vaccine side-effects disappear; slowly reduce the dosage to once a day. You can stop the dosage a few weeks/months later.

Graphene oxide is present in flu vaccines and covid-19 vaccines. It is toxic, and it causes magnetism and Covid-19. In our body, glutathione neutralizes Graphene Oxide. An increase in Graphene Oxide causes a drop in glutathione levels, leading to cytokine storm.
The Elderly and obese have low glutathione levels. Hence they are easy victims of Covid-19. Sportspersons and Children have high glutathione levels. Hence they rarely catch covid-19.

Covid-19 is being treated with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. The vaccine can be neutralized by NAC.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure about the magnetism part ? That sure looks like pseudoscience. I tend to agree with the rest.
