Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Upcoming frauds

  • In the next six months, a new covid wave will come. The more Covid vaccines a person has taken, the greater the likelihood of serious illness. Consider stocking up on all anti-viral drugs, e.g., Ivermectin, HCQ, Azithromycin, etc.
  • In 2024, the project "Bluebeam" will project alien spaceship holograms. The mainstream media will tell the populace that the only way out is for a world government to fight the aliens. The national governments will lose many of their powers to the world government. People will pay more taxes and have lesser freedoms because even their votes can't change the world government.

Saturday, 1 July 2023

E-Rupee will remain unpopular

Digital Rupee or e-Rupee or e₹ is an RBI CBDC in India. It allows the transfer of rupees from one mobile number to another using mobile apps. People can use it without an internet connection or a bank account.

Cash offers maximum privacy. So use it as far as possible.
If you want to pay digitally, use UPI, card, net banking, etc. You don't need e₹.
The only use case of e₹ is:

  • Payer/Payee both have smartphones, but at least one is without an internet connection.
  • Cash transaction is impractical.
So e₹ has limited use and will remain unpopular. At some point in time, the Indian government wants to ban cash. Then e₹ will be forced on some people, e.g., villages without stable internet connection.