Saturday, 1 July 2023

E-Rupee will remain unpopular

Digital Rupee or e-Rupee or e₹ is an RBI CBDC in India. It allows the transfer of rupees from one mobile number to another using mobile apps. People can use it without an internet connection or a bank account.

Cash offers maximum privacy. So use it as far as possible.
If you want to pay digitally, use UPI, card, net banking, etc. You don't need e₹.
The only use case of e₹ is:

  • Payer/Payee both have smartphones, but at least one is without an internet connection.
  • Cash transaction is impractical.
So e₹ has limited use and will remain unpopular. At some point in time, the Indian government wants to ban cash. Then e₹ will be forced on some people, e.g., villages without stable internet connection.

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