Basically, there are some power-hungry people in this world, who want Muslims to create terror, and use that as an excuse to extend their military power. Now, for the detailed history.
America has had a long-term plan to destabilize seven countries (Reference). This strategy involves the USA military-industrial complex and the Elite (a select extremely rich and powerful group of people). The strategy aims to control Europe and China; indirectly Russia. The idea is to break up the Monarchy created after World War I, and to replace them with Muslim brotherhood groups, which are under the control of USA.
Muslim Brotherhood was created in Egypt in 1927 as a "Death Cult". It has had assassin squads. In 1950, they were brought by CIA into Saudi Arabia. The Monarchy of Saudi Arabia was convinced by USA, that Muslim Brotherhood would be valuable to Saudi Mosques. This was the fusion of ideologies i.e. political Islam and ultra-conservative Islam. The Saudis financed the Muslim Brotherhood to setup Madrasas in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. The CIA watched this.
In 1979, USA provoked a Russian invasion on Afghanistan. CIA trained Mujahideen caused a collapse of Russia. Osama Bin Laden, financed by Saudi's, was responsible for recruiting Jihadists (terrorists), training them in Pakistan and then sending them to Afghanistan. CIA helped Osama Bin Laden in this task. These Jihadists fought against Russia and ultimately bankrupted Russia. In 1991, CIA controlled Yeltsin became President of Russia.
CIA then sent the Mujahideen to Chechnya, where an Soviet Arab oil pipeline sent Baku's oil to Europe. USA wanted a different pipeline that was controlled by USA and European oil companies. USA caused a coup in Azerbaijan (whose capital is Baku) and set up a pro-America rulers. These rulers then routed the Baku's oil to Turkey. So Russia lost control over this pipeline. At that time, Russia was a financial wreck and therefore in no shape to oppose this. This was the CIA-Muslim Brotherhood project in Chechnya.
CIA then used Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to create in Iran an terror squad called ISIS (Islamic state in Iraq and Syria). ISIS is a terrorist proxy army of USA.
The Middle east was run by three groups: Egypt's El Mubarak, Syria's Al-Assad family and Saudi Arabia. Mubarak was destroyed by USA using the Arab Spring revolution. Then USA put a Muslim Brotherhood puppet government in Egypt. Now, Syria has a stabilizing role in Middle East. Multiple religions live peacefully in Syria. Also, Syria is important Geo-politically. In 2009-2010, Iran was in negotiation with Syria to build the Iran Iraq pipeline. This would bring Iranian oil to Europe. Qatar (another USA puppet) wants Saudi Arabian oil to go to Europe via Syria. Al-Assad decided to continue his relations with Russia and permit Iran Iraq pipeline through Syria. Al-Assad did not want close relationship with USA.
As soon as Assad decided not to support USA pipeline, all hell broke loose in Syria. Saudi and Qatar financed terrorists to create havoc in Syria. Assad is a thorn in USA path. Russia has a military base in Syria and so Russia decided to support Assad. Russia was destroying terrorists in Syria. Then a false flag of Paris bombing occurred. This allowed Western countries to counter Russia's attack and support terrorists in Syria.
Now, Russia and China are supporting Assad. The Western counties are violating international agreements by supporting terrorists in Syria.
ISIS is getting financed because of oil through Turkey. So Turkey is supporting Western regions and shooting down Russian airplanes near its border.
So the Syrian war will continue till one of the sides is defeated. On one side we have China, Russia and Assad. On the the other side we have ISIS (Muslim Brotherhood), Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Western nations.
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