Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Why are people bored?

There are 3 primary reasons that people get bored.

  1. Lack of opportunity
    A person living in Libya will have lack of opportunities because Libya was bombed and it has lacks infrastructure. So even intelligent people will tend to get bored.
  2. Lack of courage
    Opportunities exist but the person has a lack of courage. The person constantly postpones doing things by giving excuses e.g. today its raining, it is too difficult, etc. At the end of life, the person usually repents having achieved little in life.
  3. Lack of connection
    Person lacks passion. There is a general lack of connection with people around. We are social animals. The idea of a James Bond working individually against an organization, is usually a myth in real life. The people around us determine our success. If people around us think of us a failure, then it is likely that we will fail. We cannot achieve anything significant without the people around us cheering us on.

If we are facing, "Lack of Opportunity", then we should consider changing the country/place. If we are facing "Lack of courage", then we need to convince ourselves that the activity is not that difficult; and take small steps towards our goal. If we are facing "Lack of connection", then either change the people around you or CHANGE the people around you. Then, say goodbye to boredom.

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