Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Another lockdown coming

Millions (maybe Billions) were spent on propaganda: The virus is deadly, Masks are needed, RT-PCR test detects Covid-19, Lockdowns will save lives, Vaccination will stop the spread, etc. Yet, a small minority of us didn't fall for this trick. They didn't wear a mask, didn't take the RT-PCR test, refused to obey lockdowns, didn't take any vaccines, etc. To the 1%, you are a legend.

Many of the remaining 99% refuse to believe that they were tricked. Here, is my heads up to this 99%.

About two years ago, China implemented a lockdown in some cities. The world blindly followed, and many governments implemented lockdown in some form or another. Now, China again has a lockdown in Shangai, even though public knowledge exists that lockdowns don't work to stop a pandemic. Before the end of the year, many governments will follow China and implement lockdown in some form. The official reason for lockdown will be something like a dangerous variant, bird flu, etc. The real reason for lockdown will be

  • Force regular vaccine doses.
  • Stop the protests against rising inflation.
  • Introduce bio-metric id in some form e.g. Vaccine passport.
  • Shift to CBDC.
Your oppression won't stop unless you learn to resist.

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