Wednesday 9 March 2022

War between Russia and Ukraine

Russia expected to conquer Ukraine in a few days, but other nations (the USA and its friends) decided to help Ukraine with weapons, sanctions, etc. So now the war is still in progress after about two weeks.

Possible events from here are:

  • Russia will take over Ukraine in the next few more weeks. There will be more damage to life and property vs. had other nations not helped Ukraine.
  • A false flag will be used to extend the war for many months. e.g. A cheminal attack to demonise Russia or a cyber attack will bring down banks, financial institutions, etc. The attack will be blamed on Russia.
  • Russia will pass financial actions against the USA, e.g., sell oil for gold.
  • USA, China, UK, European nations, etc., will enter the war. We will have world war 3. Probability: Low.

People should:

  • Hold cash for expenses of a few months.
  • Stock up on essentials.
  • Delay the purchase of the real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.
  • Expect inflation to accelerate.
  • Don't support any warmongering politician, organization or country. Let this be an internal conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

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